2025 welcomes Jordan Beaty as Outreach Intern.
A wonderful dedicated student that is devoted to contributing her efforts to improve lives of at-risk youth through art.
Fall 2024-Spring 2025 Outreach Associate Alyssa Rios
Contributing art projects for at risk youth
Activists shine light on sex trafficking
Democrat & Chronicle Neeti Upadhye, Staff writer
On a scorching Friday afternoon, Jennifer Wolfley walked up and down Monroe Avenue with a red Adidas drawstring backpack, handing out condoms and food to prostitutes who approached her.
Rochester Starts Human Trafficking Court
WXXI Beth Adams
Starting this week, men and women arrested for prostitution on the streets of Rochester will face a new kind of court hearing.
Rochester City Court To Feature Human Trafficking Unit
WROC -8 Caroline Tucker
There is a growing movement in New York State and across the country to get prostitutes off the streets and out of the legal system. Most are women who are breaking the law, but they are also victims of abuse.
sharongrace.com Jennifer Wolfley
On behalf of Rochester Institute of Technology, The Department of Criminal Justice and English Departments,
A Tale of Two Mothers
RPD News Jennifer Wolfley
On a fall October day two mothers set out to go to work. Officer Kate kisses her children goodbye, concers herself with what is for dinner, the status of the laundry and other domestic child rearing concers. She puts on her clothes, a freshly pressed uniform, black boots, a Kevlar vest.L
Mother's story
Mary Cariola unknown
A Mother's Story: Where would he have all these opportunities for self growth and
Brighton couple provides a stable home to a little boy
Democrat & Chronicle Chris Swingle
On a December day in 2006, Jen Wolfley stood in the blowing snow in Rochester talking to a drug-addicted prostitute, one of many she helped as an outreach worker. Wolfley remembers the sun shone brilliantly even through the storm as the woman said she was likely pregnant.
Wolfley had known her for seven years. She'd seen her high on the street and in jail, where Wolfley led a support group for women.
"She said, 'I want you to take the baby.'"
There were plenty of reasons to say no. more...
Churches in Solidarity against Violence and Social Injustice
The Episcopal Diocese of Rochester Greater Rochester Community of Churches
6th Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus – Grace Urban Ministry Office at
the corner of Dewey Ave. and Driving Park
Speaker: Ms. Jennifer Wolfley, Director of Client Services, Grace Urban Ministries (Mary
Magdalene Women’s Outreach Center & Shalom Family Life Center)
New liberal arts courses bring societal issues to the forefront
RIT News & Events Will Dube
Jennifer Wolfley, adjunct professor
of English and criminal justice,
has dedicated her professional life
to increasing understanding and
assisting people involved with one
of America’s most prevalent, if little
talked about, social problems—
prostitution. As the longtime director
of Rochester’s Mary Magdalene
Outreach Center, she works to assist
prostitutes in getting off the streets
and rebuilding their lives, while also
enhancing public awareness concerning
the social effects of the issue.
Interesting people bring joy to others
Democrat & Chronicle Marketta Gregory
Sometimes people ask me to tell them about my most interesting interviews. They get really quiet,
expecting to hear me rattle off a list of famous names that I've scratched down in my skinny reporter's
Former prostitutes share experiences with Shawcross
WHEC-TV 10 Luciana Da Silva
At times Arthur Shawcross was nice and other times he was the focus of nightmares that is what two
former prostitutes have told a woman who helped them turn their lives around.
"Dear John" Billboards Slated for Lyell Avenue
WHAM-TV 13 Rachel Barnhart
(Rochester, N.Y.) – It’s been a while since the issue made
headlines, but there’s a new reminder that prostitution remains
a scourge on Lyell Avenue.
Neighborhood Reacts to Arrest in Shaw Case
FOX 31 / WROC-TV 8 Evan Axelbank
The words have been passed down
through the ages, but Thursday night, on
Dewey Avenue and Driving Park Avenue in
Rochester, "thou shall not kill" has new
Women's Outreach
WHEC-TV Nikki Rudd
Rochester Police are teaming up with a
local outreach center, targeting people in
our community many tend to overlook: the
homeless, prostitutes, and people out of
CRIMINAL JUSTICE: Lyell group wants tougher stand on prostitution
City Tim Louis Macaluso
Like most parents, Shirley Pratt would like to think about college and her daughter's future. But right now, she
says, she doesn't have that luxury. Her only concern is keeping her safe.
Grace Urban Ministries needs volunteers, donations
Democrat & Chronicle Marketta Gregory
Looking for a place to help out during the holidays?
Grace Urban Ministries needs youth groups and others to provide warm meals on Tuesday nights. Plus, they need donations of personal
hygiene items, canned food, warm coats, boots, hats and gloves.
120 mourn A.J.; mother indicted
Democrat & Chronicle Donna Jackel and James Goodman,
Arthur J. Gibson Jr. was an outgoing, energetic child who loved playing video games, attending church and having his hair braided.
Going homeless: Social worker gets perspective
Democrat & Chronicle Marketta Gregory
Of all days to become homeless, Jennifer
Wolfley chose a day when the rain came down not in drips and
dribbles but in streams.
A helping hand out on the streets
Democrat & Chronicle Marketta Gregory
Jennifer Wolfley is a self-described poet, someone who observes and then communicates the truth.
NYS Thruway works to fight human trafficking
Jen Wolfley on WXXI's Need To Know - WATCH Human Trafficking In Monroe County - A Need To Know Special - YouTube [720p]