RIT Collective Ezine
2025 welcomes Jordan Beaty as Outreach Intern.
A wonderful dedicated student that is devoted to contributing her efforts to improve lives of at-risk youth through art.
Fall 2024-Spring 2025 Outreach Associate
Alyssa Rios
Contributing art projects for at risk youth
Brinda Bhattarai, Fall 2024 Guest Editor
Combating Depression
Jennifer Wolfley, Director of Outreach Services
(585) 748-8490 after 9:00 pm
Theodore Wolfley, Jr., Deputy Director
(585) 362-6386

Research Articles

Angelica Perez and Migdeisy Suros

Nursery Programs in Prison
Christina Tsiamouras
Prison nurseries has proven to have less of a recidivism rate for women inmates in the nursery programs. The programs are for women with non-violent and non-child abuse crimes, and who do not have a criminal record of arson crimes as well. The main purpose of the prison nursery programs is letting the women inmates bond with their children for up to 24 months (Brown & Valiente, 2014). Medical professionals say that the baby does not realize they are in prison at such an early age. The experience is for bonding purposes which has been proven to be a success for mothers and their infants in the nursery programs. Since recidivism decreases for the women inmates after their prison sentence and they are released, they save the state government money because it costs less to have an inmate in the program, than to have them return back to jail. The cost of having a baby supported in a nursery program is $24,000 a year, that is less than $30,000 for each woman that returns to be incarcerated who did not participate in the program (Brown & Valiente, 2014). In addition to lowering the recidivism rate for women inmates who were in the nursery programs, those women also learn to be better parents since they are required to attend parenting classes and take care of their children. The goal is to stay with the child so when they are released they are still together, and not separated by sending their infant to the foster care system or have multiple separations afterwards (Carlson 2009). more...

Prostitutes in Ukraine
Irina Oleksiyenko
I was born and raised in one of the poorest country, which it is at Ukraine. I moved to America when I was only seven year old. Fortunately, I knew what sex means when I was only four to five years old so that I protected myself before I sold myself to anyone. People were very open-minded at that time and then my classmates taught me about how sex worked by explaining it to me because they learned from their single parents. Now, I realized that prostitution is one of the biggest issues in this world. Prostitution existed because people who are seeking to make big money faster than to wait for job interviews when they really need money to support themselves or their kids. When I first learned about prostitution, I was in the shock about how much prostitution are out there. Every country and gang have their own systems about how they want to run their own prostitution for different reasons. To define prostitution, Merriam-Webster quoted, “the act of having sex in exchange for money.” So, the big reason to be prostituted is all about money. more...

Women With Mental Illness in Prison
Yvette Chirenje
This paper will talk about mental illness within women prison and the issue of being a punitive sentence instead of rehabilitative. While we as society want the punishment to “fit the crime” but we need to be made aware that not everyone can adapt in a punitive environment and then when they’re released expected to “behave” and become “rehabilitated”. Many of these women have been punished harshly for non-violence offenses in an attempt to show society that we’re are serious about cleaning up crime especially in the drug trade. more...

Sex Trafficking
Armeen Habeeb II
NAs the long harsh winter has come to an end spring has arrived. The empty trees and piles of snow have been replaced by lush green trees and springing flowers. Long snow pants and boots have transformed into beautiful dresses and flip flops. Children are now able to freely play with their pals in their front yards and girls are now able to travel to the mall in their hordes. There is a sense of renewal in the air. But unfortunately for some of these young girls they will be taken by vile men and sold into sex slavery.ULL more...

The Unjust of Forced Abortions
Jordan Pulsifer
In today’s forced abortion is a prevailing topic that many people tend to put on the back burner. Forced abortion is when a perpetrator causes abortion either by force, threat, coercion or by taking advantage of a women’s incapability to give her consent. Forced abortion can also occur instances when the conduct was neither justified by medical or hospital treatment. In cases such as medical or hospital treatment forced abortion can be the following: forced sterilization and physical invasion of the women’s female reproductive organs. Not until the Nuremberg Trails forced abortion was considered legal. The Nuremberg Trails set the precedent for the crime against humanity, forced abortion is now consider a crime against humanity and those who commit such action will be punished by law. more...

Night Terror Poetry
Celeste Brown
Sometimes there is nothing quite so delightful as a poem - especially if it brings back memories of another time, another place - a long ago childhood. more...

Night Terrors
Celeste Brown
Night terrors (also known as sleep terrors) are a disturbing sleep disorder which most commonly affects young children but can also occur at times of stress in adults. more...

The prostitute’s parenting consulted deaths
Lizzie Povilauskas
Like Homer’s infamous written scripts of tragedies, there are sufficient in our country and all over the world, being sexual is a sensible issue with everybody. There are only a thin line apart between prostitution and having sex with multi people for recreationally. One will be doing it to support family or to fund for their needs and others do it at their own expense and to satisfy their desire that rock the world like a Trojan horse inside the Troy palace. There are many old tales of what caused the majority of women or seldom have men and the effect taken its place by them turning their torment into a profession. I’m not going to tell you about why prostitutes are bad for our society or perhaps why they are in the worse class of hoodlums or any term that you can come to think of! The story I will be telling; to this day still shook the small town in England with plenty of shocks and people trembles when thinking about how they remember the person whom were a daughter of a prostitute and turned into a killer. Enter Mary Bell, the 10 then 11 years old girl who killed two young children. more...

Prostitution of Children
Many assume that human trafficking is something that happens in another country not in America. However, that is not the case because it is increasingly an American problem as of lately. Human trafficking brings in a lot of money, and it is an underground crime that is extremely difficult to detect which tempts the criminals to begin their own human trafficking ring. Prostitution happens in every human trafficking ring and every country around the world. Prostitution brings in a consistent flow of money, however the prostitution of children brings in much larger sum of money compared to adult prostitutes. The fact that the prostitution of children is more profitable, it becomes a serious problem in today’s society. more...

Prostitution: Causes and Effects
Kayla Green
Throughout this class we have been learning a lot about female and male prostitution and the effects it has on young ladies and young men in the underground sex industry. We have explored how these individuals can be led into the sex industry either through their own voluntary actions or involuntary participation, and have touched base on pedophilia and child sex trafficking. A lot of what we have learned about female juvenile prostitution outside of lecture has been through the book Gangs and Girls by Michel Dorais and Partrice Corriveau. This book focuses on street gangs and their involvement in the illegal sex trade. more...

Literary Review 2 - Prostitution and Vice
Aj Habeeb
Many times when people here the word prostitute that associate it with a negative stigma. They rarely take the time to analyze why a person became a prostitute in the first place. Every prostitute has a story and deserve to be heard. They deserve to be free from the eyes of the world that would look down upon them. The enigmatic plight of the prostitute is one that deserves to be looked at. more...

Babies Behind Bars
Cheryl Brady
This article is written by a girl who was born at The Federal Prison Camp in Alderson, West Virginia. This Prison was made famous by some of the inmates who served time there including Martha Stewart, Billie Holiday, Squeaky Fromme, and Tokyo Rose. For Deborah Jiang Stein it was home for the first year of her life. She was born to a heroin addicted mother who was serving time when she was born for drug related charges. Her first home consisted of her mother, 200 or so other inmates, guards and a warden. She describes it as being born into a “Universe of Uncertainty” and considers herself a pro at uncertainty. While she only has vague but powerful sensory memories of her time with her mother in prison they do exist. Her skin still stings when she thinks of that separation her body knew the enormity of that loss. more...

A Sociological and Anthropological Study of Cohorts:
Jennifer Wolfley
!. Johanna – 24, Black Female. Originally from Buffalo. Came here because of boyfriend and drug activity. Prostituting 4 years, on Lyell because it is an easy pick up and there are always johns. Has 2 children no longer in her custody. Has an active drug habit. In custody on 4 occasions. more...