Archive 2021
Jennifer Wolfley
Melanie Blow
Course Videos
Cynthia Rochet
Discussing the Issues
Guest Book
Human Traffick Court
In the Media
Jackie L.
Older News
How People Cope
My Girls
Spiritual Image Quotes and Sayings
To An Officer
Research Articles
Thank you
Boy with the Yellow Pail
Song of Sahara
Little Pink Boots
Neil Nash
Upcoming Events
Writing Project
Wish List
YouTube Content
Jennifer Wolfley, Director of Outreach Services
(585) 748-8490 after 9:00 pm
Theodore Wolfley, Jr., Deputy Director
(585) 362-6386
paperbagladies.org || Paper Bag Ladies of Rochester
Course Videos
CRIM.100.01 - Seminar in Criminal Justice
CRIM.110.11 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRIM.230.01 - Juvenile Justice
CRIM/WGST.245.01 - Prostitution and Vice
CRIM/WGST.265.01 - Women and Crime
CRIM/WGST.245.01 - Prostitution and Vice
Week 1
arthur shawcross
Welcome to Criminal Justice Courses
urban surburban and rural prostitution
Prof Jen lead in for Planned Parenthood video
Satch and Grab
Week 2
the issues
sexual gratification in criminal justice
thoughts 2017 shelley - case notes
little ginger the domestic abuse dog has a happy ending i assure you
School Agression
2017 chicken fried steak the world of the hustle
young women and crime
Week 3
trying to go back to work
Where did they go
importance of softskills training
aspects of women and crime
2017 bill and bob, the reality of economic abuse
The Professions and Being the External Brain
High on Crack Street Lost Lives in Lowell 1995
Frequent flyers
Pandemic Chronicles Increase in Shootings and Stabbings
Pandemic Chronicles it all changed so fast
Week 4
Pandemic Chronicles Internships for credit and non credit but be a superstar to and for the voiceless
Pandemic Chronicles No Visits Everything was on hold
Bullies and Targets
who you calling crazy
2017 domestic assault stds and youth abandonment
thoughts 2017 domestic violence case toby.
Truck stop Sallys and Sams
Mental Health
words by Ms Nicki - the other side
prison life
Week 5
just a few examples
faye and the camps
Once the door is shut - melanie
Systematic Desensitization
2017 thoughts on attica and cheese and cracker snacks
2017 thoughts on groveland correctional facility nothing like sunny yellow paint.
Move over your competition is here
words by Ms Nicki - a dedication to miss ann
Pandemic Chronicles Domestic Violence
Pandemic Chronicles Natalie and Kenny Predatory Pathology in the Midst of a Crisis
always be mindful of the questions you ask
Week 6
Pandemic Chronicles Gangbangers and Daily Life
Pandemic Chronicles Lorraine Mike and Juice Box Paradise
the homeless shelter
2017 - This ain't no hotel it is a shipping container
faye_ the creative writer and human trafficked soul
Feel Your Feeling Tough World Out There
hurricane irma_ gangs and domestic violence it all blows in
women like zelda_ drugs_ mutilation and grief 2017
words by Ms Nicki - the life of scratch-offs
Week 7
words by Ms Nicki - why people don't call police
no means no
post trauma
sexual abuse in prison and jail
marisol 2017 dogs_ cats and abuse at home or in gangs
Children Usually Know
2017 drug babies_ how they come to us and why
Pandemic Chronicles The Lifestyle from Birth to Death in Rochester
Pandemic Chronicles Birthday Club and delivering the right services at the right time for the right
Week 8
Effective Justice
Crimes against children within family systems jon benet ramsey cas
2017 county jail and drinking_ dead sally
Pandemic Chronicles Jane and Walmart Paradise
Pandemic Chronicles Sweet Melissa
emotional vampire
Week 9
dealing with systems - melanie
Experience vs text book
what happens when you don't believe victims
Pandemic Chronicles Have Funerals and Temperaments Changed
picture picture the dangerous world of documentaries 2017
Week 10
politics of crime-melanie
Pandemic Chronicles The Softening of Incarcerated Persons and the Persons that Work With Them
Neutral language
tails from the trenches
words by Ms Nicki - why people don't finish school when they want to
domestic violence ruby and peter_ pizza_ umbrella and mean things about her vagina
dump and runs the gang life and the world of no reports
2017 Nothing like hearing sad and unpleasant cases and working with them
inmates as lovers_ friends_ community members 2017
Week 11
How to say goodbye
2017 thoughts on gang life
words by Ms Nicki - the other way
law enforcement reactions
who is a victim and who is an assailant
prostitution and v some people are not welcome back 2017
Week 12
words by Ms Nicki - they put in a house and feed u
2017 suboxene_ gang life and domestic violence
late stage victimaztion
2017 john school - shopping for sex. sexy town for sale
foster care and criminal justice
Ins and outs of evidence
Week 13
how sv and dv kills
words by Ms Nicki - generations
preteen pregnancy
why women kill
Not your first day in kindergarten
Week 14
self care 2017 in the professions
words by Ms Nicki - love
2017 we cannot make people succeed in na or aa
Week 15
everyday drug traffickers 2017 pills pills and more pills
How much personal history can we forget
september 2017 the differences between prison and jail and noodles
once an addict always a addict
pic law change
Week 16
2017 Preparing to go to jail or prison costs money
2017 reentry populations
my advice on getting a job or graduate school in the criminal justice arena
2017 - my full report on what neighborhoods in Rochester face